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MTH634 Midterm past papers mega files solved

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MTH634 Midterm solved papers mega file

MTH634 midterm solved papers by moaaz

MTH634 Midterm Solved MCQs and Subjective with References by Moaaz



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  • Sir ye files download ni ho rhi kesy hu gi plz help

  • ansaraliansarali Posts: 25,240

    2(limit point/invere of image continuity) , 3(derived set/find continuity at point), 5(dense subset/investigate continuity)

    2(limit point/invere of image continuity) , 3(derived set/find continuity at point), 5(dense subset/investigate continuity)(2)? Is the set of integers under addition a cyclic group? If yes, what is its g
    ,normal & simple,but Q. all theorms the,almost 50 module sy aagy walyMth634Open mappings wala theorm aya tha 5-marks .boundary points find .relative function. Derived sets find .Open close in mappingtopology ka ap int ext point kesy nkalty ye kr lo is k elawa derived set lim point discreet indiscreet metric bnana relative open nd closed set ki defTopological spaces ki examples, discrete, indiscrete, interior, exterior, boundry points, derived set, limit points and usual topologyTopology ka paperDono,, example & theorem...., mostly statements aur answers se mcqs banty hain, solution km hi aty hain

    Ist me T(f) likhna tha according to Ty usi jaga py set krne thi ye topo
    5th q me 4 topologies di thi 4ron false thi
    Ak me x nai tha ak me fai nai tha ak union nai tha ak me intersection
    mth634 2(limit point/invere of image continuity) , 3(derived set/find continuity at point), 5(dense subset/investigate continuity)
    mth 634 todays paper 10 to 12 mcqs were from quizz file nd short questions were about int nd exterion point derived point aik question tha uski ground di hoi thy topology bnani the
    MTH634 that there is no homomorphism in open and close intervals of R 2.explain indiscerete space is not metrizable.define normal space.fixed point.give one example of second countable space Behtreen paper hua aj
    mth634 2(limit point/invere of image continuity) , 3(derived set/find continuity at point), 5(dense subset/investigate continuity)
    (2) ? Is the set of integers under addition a cyclic group? If yes, what is its g
    Mth634 All the mcqs are from definations .and
    theorems to prove
    One question : two subsets ka inverse function open prove kerna tha
  • ansaraliansarali Posts: 25,240
    Dear friends,
    Please share your current mid term papers to help others

    Best of luck
  • ansaraliansarali Posts: 25,240

    Guidelines to get Good Marks in Mid Term Examination (For New Students Specially)

    Dear Students As we all know that Mid Term Exams Fall 2019 is about to begin. Most of the students who have recently joined Virtual University have no idea about VU examination system (What type of paper they will have to attempt.. How they should prepare... How they should attempt their paper to get Maximum marks to be successful with flying colors...?
    Here are some guidelines for Mid term Examination preparation.
    In VU Exams are computer based. Mostly mistake that I have noticed is poor time management while attempting exam. More you take time to solve the paper, more there will be chances to left the paper incomplete. So be quick in the start of your paper.
    Mid term Paper is conducted from first 22 Lectures Multiple Choice questions are more than subjective part. In Exams Approximately 22 are MCQs and 5 are subjective Questions (2, 3 or 5 Marks each subjective question). Pattern of paper is different for different subjects but scheme is same (Objective + Subjective)
    Most of the students do mistake that they only attempt Multiple choice questions and leave subjective questions unsolved. This thing results in deduction of marks. Never leave paper unsolved. Attempt each question and dont forget to save it. If you do not know the exact answer or definition of subjective (long) question then dont leave it Solve it according to your concept. (In VU exact definition is not necessary, only your concept clearance matters)
    Try to go through all of 22 lectures. If you cant memorize all 22 lectures then atleast cast a glance on all the 22 Lectures and take the concept. First read the handout then read past (correctly solved with reference) solved papers files. Never use Solved MCQs files without reference. It can cause deduction in Marks.
    Most of the students do mistake that if there is some error in Exam System software then they close the paper by clicking on "Finish Paper" and then clicking on "Confirm" option. Never do that until you are finished with your paper because if you do this then you will not be able to Login again as your paper will be finished (no matters you have enough time left). Always close your paper by clicking on cross sign of Internet explorer in case of error or any trouble.

    you have to answer it like that as a manager I would act as a couch, facilitator or a motivator to guide my employees in achievement of their goals because when a manager treats his employees like a motivator or facilitator their trust on manager increases and they become more satisfied and productive resulting in achievement of positive results
    Thats it do not provide definition for such kind of concept based questions. first try to understand the question and then use your own thoughts to answer it in logical way.
    MCQs questions are of 1 mark. Do not leave them, Attempt all the questions and save them before going to next question, If you do not know the answer of any MCQ then make logical guess but do not leave it as there is no negative marking in VU. Choose the answer that you think is closely related to the asked question.
    After attempting all Questions Before finishing the paper, remember to check that you have attempted all the required questions and then finish the paper.

    I Hope It will be helpful for all of you inshaAllah
    Good Luck and Remember me in your Prayers
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